The Best IPO Research Tools
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Are you looking for best IPO research tools on the internet?
IPO investing is a small subset of the overall equity opportunities for growing wealth. Investable IPOs that are available to smaller investors are an even smaller subset.
This website focuses primarily on IPO opportunities for regular investors. These opportunities become available through IPO platforms such as Tradestation and Motif Investing. More often, from major brokers for investors with a high account balance.
To sort through all the possible IPO opportunities, I utilize a number of free IPO research tools. This includes building a knowledge base about the upcoming pipeline, and what IPOs may be investable. This article goes over a broad view of helpful IPO research tools to give regular IPO investors a leg up when there’s an opportunity.
The Best IPO Research Tools on the Internet
Renaissance Capital
These guys are the self-proclaimed IPO experts. The company manages an IPO specific Exchanged Trade Fund (ETF) (symbol: IPO) and tracks the IPO calendar and pipeline for the US markets.
Renaissance publishes a free annual and quarterly reports that recap the previous period of activity. This is an excellent summary of the health of the US IPO markets. Sign up to see it with an email address. They don’t send a lot of marketing materials otherwise.
Renaissance also offers commentary, pricings, and all kinds of IPO stats. Highly recommended as a top resource.
IPO Boutique
For the best upcoming IPO pipeline information, I usually go to IPO Boutique. The website has a no-nonsense look and feel. It’s easy to navigate to the pipeline and calendar. The tables list the underwriters AND have convenient links to the SEC filings.
IPO Boutique sells subscriptions to premium content and research reports on individual offerings.
SEC Edgar
Speaking of the SEC site, go to or the Edgar Search page and type in the name of any upcoming public company or IPOs and you can find the filings. The key IPO document is the S-1 filing. This contains everything investors need to know about a company coming public and serves as a prospectus.
An initial filing is usually posted, then it’s updated as “amended” as the offering date approaches. Each amended S-1 provides more detail on the terms of the IPO.
IPO Scoop
Similar to IPO Boutique and Renaissance, IPO Scoop has a clean layout and provides good source data for filings, calendar and the pipeline. IPO Scoop has a subscription service as well which gives you access to news, alerts, analysis and everything else for $20 a month.
Seeking Alpha IPO Daily
I’ve been a long-time Seeking Alpha user. I get news alerts for any stocks I own. Alerts are helpful to follow earnings, dividend news, or problems. Another email list available is the IPO Daily. Any article written about upcoming IPOs will be featured in the email, along with any business wire news. Some frequent writers on the feed include Renaissance Capital write periodic articles.
Sign up for the IPO Daily email from your email account preferences page. Or bookmark the IPO Stock Ideas page.
These are the best IPO research tools that I utilized on a daily basis. Feel free to comment below about other resources that you frequently use. If the site is helpful, I’ll update this page with the link.
Craig Stephens is a former IT professional who left his 19-year consulting career at the IRS to be a full-time finance writer. A DIY investor since 1995, he started Access IPOs in 2016 to provide a resource for ordinary investors pursuing access to IPOs. Craig studied Finance at Michigan State University and lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and three children. Learn more about Craig.
Risk Statement: Investing in IPOs and pre-IPO startups involves significant risk. Do not invest in companies based solely on what is included in this article. Only invest in IPOs and pre-IPO companies with money you can afford to lose. Access IPOs is for informational purposes only. Mentions of specific investments should not be construed as financial advice. Conduct personalized research and consider consulting with an investment advisor before investing.